End User Licence Agreement (EULA)
In a Nutshell
When you buy a StrumTracks' product you are authorised to use it for creating your own musical recordings, but not to sell or give away all or any part of it as a sample library or similar. You may create a physical backup copy of the downloaded product.
This means you can use StrumTracks' products for uses such as making records, demos, sound tracks, commercials, jingles, theatre, computer games or multimedia.
Not Permitted
The samples may not be sold or reused in another sample library or similar. You MAY NOT resell, trade, lend, rent, copy, duplicate, upload or download to any database or server. The samples and instruments remain the property of StrumTracks and are licensed for use by the buyer only.
Installation of this library constitutes full acceptance of these terms. Any use outside these terms would require written authorisation from StrumTracks.